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magnetic monkey marketing blog thankfulIn light of the recent Small Business Saturday and Thanksgiving, we wanted to share some of the reasons every small business should be thankful for content marketing.

Rich Kahn wrote a compelling list that really resonated with us.

  1. “It generates traffic to your site.” It’s all about the internet these days. When a user comes across a problem, their go-to method of solving it usually comes by way of Google. When you can provide those answers, you will be a valued source of information. Your content should reflect the wealth of knowledge you have in your field. Users will seek out solutions and come across your content, thus driving them to your site. If you’ve done your job right, the right people will push through the marketing funnel and become leads and then delighted customers. Your target market loves it when they feel like content was written directly for them and their needs. So be smart, friends, and craft compelling content with your audience in mind.
  2. “It builds brand awareness.” Oh brand awareness. An awareness play is the first step at driving new leads. Social media and your content creates opportunities for your audience to access your name and brand. It builds up your reputation and your trust. It can also boosts your link popularity. If you create quality content, more people will link back to your site and that boosts your SEO ranking. Win win scenario, don’t you think?
  3. “It can increase leads and sales.” Let’s do the math, shall we? More people engaging with your site + better visibility= increased leads and sales. We really don’t need to dive too deeply into this on, do we? You get the point by now. More awareness, more trust means more customers.
  4. “It establishes you as a thought leader.” Thought leaders make strides and push boundaries. They prove time and time again that they are more than just trusted sources of information. They spark dynamic conversation and create engagement. Use your content to do just that.
  5. “It encourages engagement.” Speaking of engagement… Content marketing allows for your users to engage with you. Content helps you establish thought-provoking insights that spark users’ attention. This ultimately builds up a strong network of loyal and satisfied customers.
  6. “It costs less than traditional marketing.” And what’s the cherry on this delightful marketing Sunday? MONEY… or the significantly less dollars it takes to create a good content marketing plan than an outbound one. It doesn’t cost anything to write a blog and start your own content marketing strategy. Of course, it does cost something to promote your content in paid social, search, and display methods, but it’s much less than the old marketing methods.

So, what do you think, friends? Are you ready to give thanks to content marketing this year?