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magnetic monkey marketing blog mindset shiftEvery once and awhile, we like to take a break from marketing tips and tricks and focus on a personal mindset. And really, at the end of the day, if we have a positive, healthy mindset, our work will be much better in the long run.

Let’s look into this amazing list of things we should stay away from if we want to be happy. By simply shifting your mindset and shying away from 10 things, you are on your way to a happier, healthier, more productive version of yourself.

  1. “Dwelling on the past” Harping on the past and all the things that haven’t gone our way is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. It keeps you rooted in the past and not focused on the present. Put your time and effort into what you can do now rather than what you couldn’t do in the past.
  2. “Being complacent” Everything worth having takes effort and hard work. Being complacent won’t get you anywhere. Figure out what you want in life and take the steps to get there. Be proactive and solution oriented, rather than reactive.
  3. “Spending hours on social media” You all know we love how social media connects people to other people and to their favorite brands. Social media is great, but just like everything else in life, there needs to be a balance. Spending too much time on these social media platforms will take away from your true life. Often times, we use social sites to portray our best selves and that leads to jealous behavior or unnecessary envy. Don’t let jealousies, ego, and vanity keep you from a healthy and happy life.
  4. “Forgetting about JOMO” Okay, so I’m pretty sure all of you have heard of FOMO– aka a fear of missing out, but you probably haven’t heard of JOMO. To be honest, this is actually the first time we’ve heard of it too. Apparently, JOMO means the Joy of Missing Out. We may have never heard this term before, but we fully support its meaning. It is so much better to think about mindfulness and the present rather than what you’re missing out on.
  5. “Overlooking small joys” Taking time to embrace the little things in life is one of the best ways to keep a happy mindset alive. Take time to smell the roses as they say. Netflix has a documentary on puppies that always cheers me up (it’s called Precious Puppies and I highly recommend watching it next time you need some uplifting)!
  6. “Staying on the couch” We love a good ‘lazy day’ as much as the next person, but too many of those and you’ll start to stagnate. You need to get out and enjoy some exercise. Go on a hike and enjoy some nature.
  7. “Letting unpleasant events affect your whole day” Nobody likes sitting in traffic in the morning, but you get to decide how it affects your day. The same goes for any unpleasant event. You can choose to let it ruin your day or you can choose to let it go. When you let it go, you can focus on productivity and happier things.
  8. “Holding grudges” Holding a grudge will never serve you in the long run. Learn to forgive and move past the things that hold you back. You’ll go much farther this way.
  9. “Ignoring relationships” Don’t let your relationships fall away because you’re stuck inside on Facebook. Sometimes we let work or negativity get in the way and we lose sight of the role our friends and family play in our lives. Let the important people build you up and keep you happy and healthy.
  10. “Forgetting to make time for the things you love” This is so important. Similar to enjoying the little things in life, remember to take time for your hobbies and passions. Don’t lose sight of the things that make you a happier person just because you have work to do.

So, what do you all think? Are you ready to take on the challenge of moving towards a happier version of yourself? We sure are!