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magnetic monkey marketing blog email marketingSo, the last couple weeks have really been devoted to content. Let’s shift gears a little bit and start talking about an old favorite. That’s right! Email Marketing!

Believe it or not, there is a method to the madness that is email marketing. You can’t just send an email on a random day at a random time. It should all be calculated and tailored to your specific audience.

Kristin Graminga wrote a great article for with some awesome tips everyone should know.

  1. “The day of delivery matters.” Obviously, the so-called perfect day for your emails campaigns will depend on your product or service, the content you are writing, and your target market. It’s all about testing to see which day works best for you and your audience, but there are certain best practices we can adhere to in the meantime. Typically, emails sent on Thursdays receive more opens than other days do– with Tuesday as a close second. However, for campaigns promoting hobbies or recreational content, the weekends are the best way to go.
  2. “Time your campaigns carefully.” So, once you’ve settled on the best day to send out your email campaigns, it’s time to pick the right time. Think about whether your content will be better received in the morning or in the afternoon. Are you serving B2B content? That might be better in work hours, particularly mornings. While B2C might be better in the early evening.
  3. “Spend time crafting the perfect subject line.” The subject line is the first thing the user reads, so you’ve got to make it engaging. You’ll want it to entice the reader to open the email and read on. Make your headline concise, but still informative and engaging. Try to eliminate pronouns for a more direct and impactful headline.
  4. “Segment your email lists.” Personalized content should be delivered to personalized users. Remember, different people on your email list will be at different stages of the buyer’s process. Maybe they just heard of your brand and want more information… or maybe they already read a few white papers and want to move further down the funnel. Either way, you should segment your email lists to deliver the most relevant content to the most relevant people.
  5. “Test your emails before you send.” TEST TEST TEST. We don’t think we can stress this one enough. Test that your emails look perfect on all devices. With the rise of mobile, more and more people check their emails on their phones. You would be remiss to avoid mobile optimizations in favor of desktop.

Email marketing may seem like an “old school” marketing tactic in comparison to all the inbound strategies that work so well now, but it still does the trick. It just takes following some simple guidelines to get it right. Everything in life is a balance… even marketing. Marry the old techniques with the new for the best marketing strategy for you.