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V2.15: Disappear Here

V2.15: Disappear Here

The door is before you Only you can choose To pass through or pass by   Conscious of living Conscious of loving Conscious of dying Conscious of hating   Numb to life Numb to pain Numb to passion Numb to living in the now Numb to now   Slave to fashion Slave to gold...
V2.11: 3 Ways To Persuade

V2.11: 3 Ways To Persuade

The art of persuasion is usually challenging for most people so the challenge is magnified at a company level.  Have you ever tried to persuade an analyst, editor, partner or prospect that your solution if unique, affordable, valuable?  If you have then how did you go...
V2.10: The Art Of Asking

V2.10: The Art Of Asking

How comfortable are you in asking for money? For budget? For resources? For support?  For approval of your latest creative marketing idea? When was the last time you actually had to ask for any of these?  Did you succeed in getting what you asked for?  Did you learn...
V2.9:  An Epiphany Moment

V2.9: An Epiphany Moment

If I had a $1 for every time I asked someone what their “elevator pitch” was and got instead a ten-minute diatribe filled with extraneous adjectives and trite buzzwords I’d be able to afford to build water wells in no less than 100 villages in Africa.  Truly...