by banderson | Feb 25, 2013 | Inbound Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Can you remember a time when you played a sport purely for the love of the game? Going back to the innocence of childhood you probably didn’t even keep score because it was just a joy to play. With age came that competitive spirit and the need to keep score drove...
by banderson | Feb 4, 2013 | Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
If you haven’t figured this out the hard way then you should be aware that it is far easier and less expensive to retain an existing customer and increase revenues year over year than it is to attract new ones. Some statistics have even measured the cost differential...
by banderson | Jan 28, 2013 | Inbound Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Your prospects are getting smarter everyday and you may not even be aware of it or part of their buyer’s journey. Yes, the world of business has changed dramatically from the days when a sales rep was your primary vehicle for communications with potential customers...
by banderson | Jan 14, 2013 | Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Too many people have become nothing more than shells of humanity: existing but not living, expecting but not adapting, growing old but not growing, monomaniacs without balance. Because nature abhors a vacuum, we’ve unconsciously come to rely on others to tell us what...
by banderson | Jan 7, 2013 | Demand Generation, Strategy, Volume Series
As a die-hard Nina Simone fan it is real easy to listen to “Feeling Good” as 2013 kicks off a new start not only for the New Year but for new marketing campaigns as well. So what do the blues and marketing campaigns have in common? Start by taking the chorus to...
by banderson | Dec 31, 2012 | Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
So you survived 2012 and the world didn’t physically end on 12/12/12 or even 12/21/12 as may conspirators believed it would, although metaphorically the world as you knew it may have ended as I’m sure many of you experienced some major change in the last twelve...
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