In last week’s blog we discussed how to “Find Your (Work) Bliss” but fell short of talking about how to actually succeed at it. It’s one thing to say you love something; it is another to actually commit heart, soul, body and life to it. Success requires commitment in deeds as well as words or it just won’t work.
And yes, very hard work will be involved, but since you are now doing what you love you won’t (or shouldn’t) mind. If you have a problem with this then it is time to go back to last week’s blog and start over. Napoleon Hill is quoted as saying, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve.” The working part of that quote is the world “believe”. Belief requires commitment: heart, soul, body, life period. Anything less is no longer belief or commitment and may constitute failure or at least extreme difficulty.
So, now that we have all of the disclaimers out of the way, let’s chat about what is necessary for success:
- Focused intention: a single-minded proposition is the cornerstone of success. It is far better to undertake and accomplish one thing in an exceptional way then to attempt “conjunction business planning”; when the word “and” is included in your mission statement.
- Established brand pyramid: This will be the heart of your communication strategy and you can refer to past blogs for my thoughts on this. Bottom-line is that if you can’t succinctly communicate what you do to who you want in the manner they deem acceptable, our chances for success diminish.
- Workable business plan: Yes a real business plan is required. There are many templates available on the internet, so find one and use it. If you can’t write it down, then you can’t measure it, refine it, or scale it and ultimately that will mean the difference between success and failure.
- Initial resources and avenues for future provisions: Every venture has a cost. That cost may be in people, time, materials, etc. Plan for whatever you think you need then double it and don’t start until you’ve secured that or the avenues for milestone driven infusions.
- Extended team: I don’t think I’ve ever seen any successful venture done solo. You will need a team of people surrounding you to keep you on point, objective, supportive, facilitating, etc. Identify and engage these individuals before you start.
- Relentless pursuit of perfection: Never settle for anything less than perfection. Mediocrity is the death of every venture. It will take time. Be patient and diligent. This combined with the steps above set the stage for wild success. I don’t know how, it just does.
- Plan, execute, measure, refine, repeat: Once again, it may be a cliché, but if you plan your work and work your plan and measure/refine at evey step along the way you will find the path of success open before you faster than those who leave everything to chance. I am constantly surprised at how many companies and people do rely on the “hope” strategy.
I think I could write a book on this subject and certainly too many to mention have already been published on the various concepts introduced above. For now I will just use this as a springboard for my next seven weeks worth of blogging and bid you adieu until next week or contact me today if you are impatient.
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