Do you know if your prospects like hotdogs and baseball or haute cuisine and Broadway musicals or beer and football or sushi and strip bars or comfort food and a good book? Implicit in answering this question is an understanding of not only who your target customers are but a clear understanding of their tastes and expectations when it comes to engagement and ultimately consumption, or at least acceptance, of what you are offering. So if the answer is no then you may have significant challenges ahead.
Blasting the market with your propaganda until you luck into generating a following (or at least enough revenue to pay the bills) cannot cost-effectively grant you true success because the “lead” is not the ultimate goal of marketing professionals in today’s consumer-oriented landscape. According to industry studies over 50% of the buyer’s journey is now done on their own, using just a web browser and the time it takes to search through blogs and websites, interact with like-minded people on social sites and effectively self-educate/assess on what is available.
So the primary goal of every great marketing professional is to know not only whom you wish to attract to your product or service, but also:
- What their tastes are?
- How they like to communicate?
- Where they congregate?
- Who they trust?
- When are they likely to engage?
- Why they will make the decisions they do?
If you know the answers to these questions then you will understand your demographic personas and not only will leads come in droves, but they will be much better qualified and therefore more likely to generate income and reference-able, repeat business. They will come because your marketing programs can take on a “conversation” approach and ultimately center on an inbound strategy whereby the “buzz” leads them to you, thus self-selecting and qualifying. This is the essence of what you have constantly been hearing/reading about as the “consumerization of B2B.” You too can be successful if you just take the time to know your target personas first.
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