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Magnetic Monkey Marketing blogSocial Media really does so much for our businesses. We’ve said it once, we’ve said it a hundred times: this shit works. Of course, most of us our marketers and we use social media as a platform to connect with our customers and deliver relevant content. It has the potential to do so much more as well!

Jana Barrett wrote this great list of other ways social media can help your business. Let’s dive into them, shall we?

  • “Customer Service” These social sites are a great platform for conversing with customers in a quick and efficient manner. People these days want to interact with their favorite brands on the go– ie) on their devices. It’s a great way to offer help or advice in a relevant and tech-savvy way. It is so much better than an automated phone service or an email that goes unnoticed for days. It solves problems much faster and leaves customers satisfied.
  • “Customer Engagement” Same as with the customer service, people love being engaged on their own terms. Think about popular brands and how they communicate with their customers. Taco Bell has a great social media presence, especially when it comes to going viral. They represent their brand so well across their platforms. The perfect mix of sarcasm and helpfulness. Use your social media to let your brand and reputation permeate into your customer’s everyday lives.      Think about it this way: the more customer engagement you have, the better your customer retention will be.
  • “Product Development” Commentary for your customers can really help you figure out what is going right and what is going wrong with your product or service. Listen to the people who actually use what you’re selling. They know better than anyone what works and what doesn’t. They are your target market, so listen up, friends, and give the people what they want. Let customer comments drive your product development. Simple as that.
  • “E-Commerce” Marketers, you should know more than anyone that online ordering is the shit right now. Everyone loves online shopping. It’s all the fun of buying new stuff without all the hassle of going into a store. Social media– especially Instagram and Facebook– make shopping so easy. If you are a B2C and want to create a more streamlined and integrated process, you would really benefit from using social media platforms to leverage your product.
  • “Human Resources” Social sites are actually a great way to find new employees these days. LinkedIn is obviously a great site for applying and offering jobs all in one platform. People can easily see a company’s mission statement or an applicant’s past work experience in one easy to use social site. Facebook and other social platforms are also great for finding new employees. We actually came across an interesting article of a company that used Tinder– yes, you heard that right, TINDER– to find their next intern. Cool, huh?
  • “Networking” And last but not least, social platforms are a great way to network. Obviously that is what LinkedIn was designed for, but the others help you connect with people on personal level. It keeps you in touch with the goings on of the world. Twitter, for example, can be used to engage and network with other people who share your interests.

See, isn’t social media so versatile and handy? It’s like a swiss army knife, way more than just one use. Let us know your thoughts! What other ways can you use social media to help your business?