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magnetic monkey marketing landing page optimizationLet’s talk about landing pages. We’ve talked a lot about social media lately, namely how beneficial it can be in delivering your message to the right people. Having relevant content is absolutely vital, but so is having landing pages worth staying on.

Conversions only come when people actually want to interact with your company. A great landing page can really make or break a user’s experience, thus determining whether or not they want to move down the funnel and make a purchase.

Here are nine great ways to boost your landing page conversion rate written by Mike Taylor, a contributor to

  1. “Write killer headlines.” You can pretty much guarantee that most people will read a headline, but only a select few will move on and read the rest of the content. Make sure that your headlines really stick out to a reader. Make them want to learn more! You want something concise but still descriptive and catchy. It’s a hard balance to master, but once you do, it will work brilliantly. Remember to have sub-headings as well to keep the focus of your readers. Most of them are probably just skimming the page and not reading every sentence with the utmost attention.
  2. “Include images and videos.” This should seem obvious, right? You want your users to enjoy the time they spent on your site. Engage them with image and videos they’ll actually like. Images help bring people in and videos help them stay there. Of course, the video or image has to be relevant to your product, otherwise, what’s the point?
  3. “List the benefits.” Be direct and concise. Tell the people what it so great about your product or service. Most people love reading the benefits of something in which they are interested in investing money. People also really love lists so this is a win-win situation.
  4. “Keep the most important elements above the fold.” There is a pretty delicate balance here. You want to keep your page clutter free, but you also want to keep all the relevant and important information above the fold. So, how does one do one without the other? Just get the most relevant and aesthetically pleasing information/images above the fold and anything else below.
  5. “Issue an unmistakable call to action.” Okay, you probably know this one quite well by now. A good call to action makes all the difference on your landing page. If your page drives to a whitepaper or an ebook, make the CTA clear and discernable for users. You don’t want anyone to bounce off your site just because they couldn’t figure out where to download.
  6. “Add social proof.” Come on, now. Everyone and their mothers check reviews these days. It’s practically part of the buying cycle now. Discover product, check reviews, purchase, etc. People want to know what other people think about a product before they commit to purchasing it. As a consumer, they want to know as many details they can before buying. It builds credibility to have social proof– and credibility drives conversions.
  7. “Minimize distractions.” Don’t overwhelm the users. Plain and simple. Keep your landing pages easy to navigate and peruse. Keep the landing pages sleek and simple in order for users to fully enjoy and remain on the site. You don’t want anyone confused and leaving the site without purchasing.
  8. “Address pain points.” Most every product is solving some sort of problem for the consumer. Your landing page should identify a particular pain point and why your product or service provides a solution for such a pain point. Solve your reader’s issues and they’ll make a purchase.
  9. “Learn from others.” It’s totally okay to garner insights and inspiration from others. Well, don’t copy every little detail or anything… but it’s definitely okay to take away key lessons from other sites. If they have a great landing page and you want to emulate that, go for it. Just keep in mind that every site is different and will attract a different type of following. You need to find what works for you and your customer base!

So that’s it for now, readers! We think these are pretty doable, how about you? We know you can utilize the tips and make some great landing pages even better!