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V10:12: Email Campaign Best Practices

V10:12: Email Campaign Best Practices

Why pay thousands of dollars on advertising when you can directly communicate a targeted message to a targeted audience with email for a fraction of the cost if not free?  But if you’ve decided email will be a key component to your marketing strategy, then how do you know what will work and what won’t without annoying your targeted prospects with poorly planned, sloppily written, or non-compelling calls to action.

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V10.10: Inbound Marketing Made Simple

V10.10: Inbound Marketing Made Simple

Any one who has spent any amount of time watching the Food Network or even just a French cooking show knows that a mirepoix (celery, onions, carrots) is at the heart of most every recipe. Being from New Orleans I learned to start all recipes with the Trinity (celery, onions, bell peppers) but being a hard-core marketer I recognize that all successful inbound campaigns also start with their own mirepoix or trinity of whitepapers, webcasts and emails.

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