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V3.51: Inbound Methodology

V3.51: Inbound Methodology

How many times have we talked about the inbound methodology chart? Probably a million and one, right? Attract; convert; close; delight. It’s just that simple—that the entirety of the inbound marketing strategy comes down to just those four words. Of course, we define...
V3.50:  The Voice Of Your Customer

V3.50: The Voice Of Your Customer

I have been reading a lot lately on how to become a Social CEO as well as about the value your employees’ first hand conversations with your customers to uncover not only what it is they want but more importantly what they need. But, what if there was an easy way to...
V3.43: The Voice Of The Customer

V3.43: The Voice Of The Customer

Constant communication with your customers is absolutely essential to the success of your business. It is critical to maintaining the pulse of your operation. You have to know exactly what it is that your customers want and need from you; otherwise you will become...