by banderson | Feb 24, 2014 | Inbound Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Inbound marketing success hinges upon how well you cultivate your list. Unfortunately, your email database decreases around 25% each year, so it is vital to keep it up to date and on point. Make sure to produce valuable and interesting content and constantly work to...
by banderson | Feb 17, 2014 | Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
You know your tax dollars are not exactly being put to good use when you come across a blog entitled “Marketing 101” on the US Small Business Administration website providing the insightful advice of “satisfy customer needs” and “profitable sales volume is...
by banderson | Feb 10, 2014 | Leadership, Strategy, Volume Series
Do you have a great idea for the next great thing or service? Have you put together the prototype, thought through (and written out) your business plan, resource requirements and go-to-market strategy? Have you tested it out on friends and family? If you’ve...
by banderson | Feb 3, 2014 | Leadership, Strategy, Volume Series
Thomas Paine is credited as the “the father of the American Revolution” courtesy of his Common Sense but I admire him as the man who said “lead, follow or get out of the way.” If ever there was advice that every business executive should heed, this is it. However,...
by banderson | Jan 27, 2014 | Inbound Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Am I talking to myself? No, seriously, does anyone even read these blogs? Is blogging worth my time? These are some questions every blogger has internalized at least once as they type furiously on the computer. In this new technological age, we live our lives entirely...
by banderson | Jan 20, 2014 | Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Astrological and metaphysical-minded types have been feeling the effects of Venus in retrogrademanifesting in the form of dissension and disharmony, not only in personal life situations but business relationships as well. This got me thinking on the impact of...
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