by banderson | Nov 4, 2013 | Cloud Computing, Strategy, Volume Series
Is your cloud computing strategy best described as a “green field” or “killing field”? Maybe asked more politely: does your current cloud strategy facilitate rapid deployment, management and measurement of critical business applications or is it yet another sinkhole...
by banderson | Oct 28, 2013 | Design, Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Suffer from insomnia lately? According to the National Sleep Foundation, 48% of Americans occasionally suffer from insomnia while 22% suffer every or almost every night. Many of these sleepless nights can be directly attributed to manageable business concerns. There...
by banderson | Oct 21, 2013 | Design, Strategy, Volume Series
A debate has been brewing for the last few years pitting knowledge workers and their respective corporations. The dream of most people in the working world is to actually do their job from anywhere at anytime as long as they complete the tasks assigned while...
by banderson | Oct 14, 2013 | Product Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
If you work in an office, home office or even out of a car, airplane or boat using what is in your mind versus a skill or trade that requires physical effort the you are considered a “white collar worker”… in today’s parlance the politically correct term is “knowledge...
by banderson | Oct 7, 2013 | Inbound Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
The days of “Mad Men” are fading into marketing history. The time when two martini lunches, a compelling advertising campaign and a huge placement budget are coming to a close; or at least considered politically incorrect. Today’s secret to every great longstanding...
by banderson | Sep 30, 2013 | Inbound Marketing, Strategy, Volume Series
Last week we discussed Corporate DNA and the core values of an organization. As this is a marketing blog, I will endeavor this week to focus on the best practices for the “marketing driven” inclined. Marketing Driven DNA has elements of: Positioning: look and feel...
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