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Magnetic Monkey Blog tightropeOf course, how you brand your business is dependent on how you want to portray yourself. There are no hard and fast rules on exactly what you should do. The important thing to remember with branding is that it’s all just a game of time. With time, with societal changes, we have to update our brands. We can never just sit around hoping our brand will always be relevant.

The best and most successful companies are constantly reinventing themselves and how they market their brand. And the way to do that is to stay in communication! Stay in communication with your customers, your target market, and your employees and see what they respond to.

Joshua Conran provided with five awesome tips for getting starting with branding (or rebranding) your company.

  1. “Discover your story.” You have to figure out what your story is… and then never shut up about it. Just keep repeating it. It will help define your unique voice. You don’t have to change your logo if you don’t feel it necessary, but constantly thinking up new ways to convey your message will go a long way.
  2. “Get the scoop on your customers.” As we mentioned, listening to your customers is so absolutely vital. Talk to your clientele and see what they think of you. Talk to potential clientele as well to see what it would take for them to convert to customers. It’s about communication! This is a great way to discover the latest trends and what your followers think of your current brand.
  3. “Shout your message from the rooftops.” So, we’re back to never shutting up about it. Once you have figured out what your customers want, what you want, and what your company needs in a brad, it’s time to metaphorically (or literally, whatever works) shout it from the rooftop. Figure out the social media platforms you want to utilize and then do it! Use these sites to really broadcast your newly discovered brand.
  4. “Counter your competitors.” Check out your rivals and their weaknesses in order to figure out how you want to be different. Create your brand in the image of your values and make sure to align it with your mission. Show who you are, not who you’re not. Use social media and the news to stalk your competitors. It will help you discover your own set of values.
  5. “Walk the walk.” The best advice we could possibly give you today is to always, always stay in integrity and authenticity. Be who you are and let your brand shine light on exactly that. Stay clear in your intentions and remember to actually follow through. That’s how you build up your brand. You build trust and loyalty and consistency.

So, that’s it for today! We believe that you can achieve the branding you want to convey. Start with these simple tips and then keep going down your own path.