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magnetic monkey marketing blogWe’ve discussed in great detail the importance of the marketing to the mobile generation. You have to have a couple of key things: a responsive design, interactive social media, and interesting and engaging content. This tech generation we live in is pretty much fueled solely on coffee drinks and mobile devices. We know that phones and tablets allow people find the answers they seek immediately– wifi or no wifi. As marketers we need to make sure we are following what the people want.

The digital natives– the millennials– are taking the society by storm. A successful marketing strategy would understand this notion and capitalize on it.

Creative Guerrilla Marketing wrote four ‘must learn strategies’ for the catering to the millennials that we want to share with you now.

  1. “Consider Compatibility” We live in an ever shifting environment and our tech continues to upgrade. It is absolutely vital that our marketing campaigns are compatible across all the various devices and platforms. Being mobile-friendly is an absolute must! You want to provide all the necessary information directly to those digital natives. Any sort of compatibility concerns and you risk pushing them away.
  2. “Take Advantage of Social Media” We’ve only talked about this every week for how long now? Inbound practices such as utilizing social media are key components to a modern day marketing strategy. Find where your desired audience spends the most time– ie. Twitter versus Facebook versus Instagram– and set up shop. Provide for them the kind of info they would want to have. You know that this is all about building brand awareness… so build up your reputation through social media!
  3. “Develop an App” There is an app for everything these days. We’re not even joking either– there is an app for pretty much anything you could want: finding good restaurants, book recommendations, banking, games, health, you get the pictures. So where are you? Get on the level! Create an app that the millennials will obsess over.
  4. “Deliver Coupons Via SMS” We’ve come to realize that people are more likely to respond to special deals, promos, and coupons– hello, have you heard of Groupon? Make the promos you’re already planning on sending out easy and convenient for the digital natives! Send it right to their phone. Easy as 1-2-3. Digital coupons draw in customers.

See how easy it is to get in touch with the cool kids of the tech generation? Try it out and see how it works!