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Magnetic Monkey Marketing blog to do listOkay, so with the holidays literally right around the corner, it’s time to talk strategy. We know that the most competitive season of the year starts right around Thanksgiving and continues on till after New Years. So how do we get ready for all that advertising madness?

Social Code compiled great insights for us to talk about and leverage this busy, holiday time.

  • “Prioritize your high-value shopper list” Third party data is great, of course, but it doesn’t compare to first party data. All year you’ve (probably) been collecting leads and reaching out via other channels. Your CRM list is a great way to target interested users within many different tactics. Try segmenting your CRM lists based on different categories and serve them relevant content they will enjoy. First you must understand how various people interact and engage with your content/products. Do they purchase during the holidays, do they pay full price, etc.? It’s important to understand your CRM before you start leveraging it because you want to use it in the right ways.
  • “Leverage lookalikes to drive prospecting” Nurturing existing customers is great, but getting new ones is nice too! Utilize lookalikes in order to scale larger campaigns with the most relevant audiences. You can create lookalikes off of retargeting audiences or off of your CRM lists. There are so many options! Basically, you are trying to reach audiences who look like people who engaged with your website (or signed up already). Lookalike audiences are a great way to find new users who would be interested in what you’re providing. Just make sure you are creating lookalikes off of higher-quality tactics.
  • “Stay ahead of ad auction surges” This time of year always drives up the costs of advertising. More and more brands are all competing at once for attention and, unfortunately, not everyone will win. Depending on what industry you’re in, it might be smart to flight your campaigns in order to spend more during the high peak/high priority times (like Black Friday). Don’t forget about the last-minute shoppers a few days before Christmas or the eager beavers come January.

So, there we have it, marketers! Let the holidays begin!