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It seems as if this past year has gone by in a blur and 2019 is here already. WHAT?! How is it already December? Weren’t we just discussing the early 2018 trends a few days ago? It is almost too crazy to believe, but here we are.

Let’s just dive into a few 2019 trends to get a jump start on the new year. Social Media Today writes a great article on the subject that we’d like to share with you today.

  1. “Social Listening” While social listening and brand monitoring are not new concepts, they are certainly on the rise for 2019. Using competitive research, keyword tracking, and social listening tools, we can monitor the impact of campaign programs on brand sentiment and market share of voice. And as great as that is, there is so much more on the horizon. 2019 will most certainly be the year for expansion. Brand monitoring tools will be at the forefront of lead gen and social selling. Social media is the most common place for people to voice their opinions, frustrations, and recommendations. So how can we capitalize on this trend to move quickly enough here? Social listening, of course! 
  2. “Video Content” Video is the way to go, people, we swear! Video is the best possible way to engage and inspire your target market. Live videos will become more and more popular as society places more emphasis on integrity and immediate action. Video– live video to boot– better displays your brand message and your humanity. 
  3. “Micro-influencers” Influencers have become quite the trend in 2018, which of course, drove the price up. Mega influencers have become so expensive to work with, you have to have a huge budget to even THINK about that. But micro-influencers exist in almost every marketing niche. They have smaller followings, but their audiences still have a genuine interest and investment . The lesser-known influencers are not yet highly targeted and are still trust worth, down to earth and easy to work with. 
  4. “Personalization” How many times have we said it? Personalization is SO important. Creating an individualized experience will be absolutely vital in 2019. There are so many ways to do this via social media. You can create more targeted audiences based on activity, engagement, and video views to create more personalized content journeys. The sky’s the limit as long as you put in the work here. 
  5. “Timeliness” Timing is everything. Instant gratification is everything, so make sure you use social media to stay relevant. With 2019, people are going to expect instant responses to their questions, comments, and complains.

So, what do you think will happen come 2019? Do you agree with the above trends? Let us know in the comments!