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Happy Halloween Ghouls and Gals! We thought we’d embrace the spirit of October and share out some marketing tips inspired by one of our favorite fall classics: Nightmare Before Christmas.


Let’s dive into some tips from the best combination Halloween/Christmas movie ever made, shall we? We think you’ll enjoy this fright-filled October lesson.


    • Don’t Let Past Success Keep You from New Ideas: In Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack wallows in a bit of self pity after another successful Halloween. “Yet year after year, it’s the same routine.” Of course he’s bummed out! He’s so bored from doing the same damn thing every year. The same can be said for your marketing strategy. If you do the same thing every quarter, year after year, you will undoubtedly lose morale (and revenue). You have to stay up to date on the trends, try new things, and even be willing to fail a few times if necessary. Jack didn’t let his past success keep him from trying something new and neither should you!


    • Curiosity and Risk Can Lead to Innovation: A curious mind and a willingness to take risks can actually lead you to new heights. The obvious example here would be Jack’s curiosity around Christmas and his risk of taking it over. But that feels a bit obvious, so let’s talk about Sally. She had a passionate and curious mind to branch outside her circumstances. She got creative in her means to change her life and find new meaning and it WORKED. We all know how Jack’s dream of taking over Christmas turned out, but Sally’s risk to sneak out actually changed her life for the better. If we apply that same principle, you can drive new innovation at work. By thinking outside the box and approaching strategy with a new perspective, you can and will find new success.

    • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: You should never be afraid to ask for help. Jack would never have been able to pull of his Christmas goals without help from the whole town! Each townsperson brought something special to the table and contributed to the overarching goal. No one person did all the work and everyone came together as a group. It’s really rather inspiring. Jack relied on the expertise from each townsperson in order to make the affair come together. You should do the same. A leader does not take on all the work or expect one person to complete the whole project. A good leader delegates and empowers the team to bring their individual strengths to the table.


  • One Size Does Not Fit All: You have to remember that one size really does not fit all. Jack realized that he can’t take over other people’s holidays and he should probably stay in his lane. This is a good reminder that even though it’s good to try new things, not all tactics will work for everyone. You’ve got to know your own brand and not stray so far out of line, you lose yourself in the process.

So, with these great tips in mind, we hope you all have a Merry Halloween and a Happy Christmas.