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V9.35: Websites Are A Process Not A Project

V9.35: Websites Are A Process Not A Project

Have you thought about your website lately? Obviously, we’re huge advocates for inbound marketing, but it’s important to remember where you’re directing your traffic. To your website, of course! So, if any of your landing pages aren’t up to par, you’re going to see a great decrease in your conversions. Remember that websites should be treated like a process not a project. You should be updating them frequently.

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V9.34: Video-based Marketing Gets Attention

V9.34: Video-based Marketing Gets Attention

It’s clear that Facebook is going all in on video. Doesn’t seem so shocking anymore, but there are still a lot of advertisers and brands hesitant to invest in video. Yet, the truth is that “more than 75% of worldwide video viewing is mobile.”  We can pretty much directly correlate that to the rise of social media and the mobile-focused user experience we all crave now. Most platforms, social or otherwise, need to have a mobile-friendly version if they hope to sustain their usability.

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