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V6.43: Motivation Nation

V6.43: Motivation Nation

With the year starting to wrap up and the pressure of closing out Q4 with a bang dawning, it’s time to discuss some helpful tips on motivating your team. This time of the fiscal year is what most would call crunch time, right? So how can we motivate employees to stay...
V6.33: Leaders Unite

V6.33: Leaders Unite

Leaders unite and inspire. They push you to be your best and they show support when needed. There are a hundred different leadership styles, but at each one’s core, there are a few common factors to consider. At the end of it all, leaders must be the example–...
V6.26: Fear as a Motivator

V6.26: Fear as a Motivator

Last week we talked about how leaders think differently and how to utilize that knowledge in our own way. This week, we want to delve deeper into a very important topic: fear. Fear is not as scary as we tend to believe. How can we take our fear and use it for our...