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magnetic monkey marketing blogWhen developing your content marketing plan, there are a few things you should think about. They are like ingredients—when you combine them together, you make a great recipe. And just like with any successful dish, you can’t skip certain ingredients just because you don’t feel like using it. It is a delicate combination and it takes the right balance in order to make it spectacular. Content marketing is the same way. There are certain things that have to be added into the mix in order to create a prosperous business model.

We’ve talked a bit before about the differences between inbound marketing, content marketing, and SEO and we’ve gone further in depth on each of these topics as well.

We already know what content marketing is and why it is important, but let’s review really quickly. defines content marketing as a means of “creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers.” Basically, the point is to be a source of reliable and credible information so that people trust and like you enough to do business with you.

Going back to that recipe analogy… in a previous blog, we gave you four really great platforms to utilize for your content strategy—website, blog, email list, and video. These are just some of the ingredients to add in. We wanted to take this moment to share a few more ingredients in the over-arching content recipe.

  • Podcast- It is your own personal audio show. This is a great way to get your information out there. You can broadcast/distribute it from your website, from iTunes, or from your blog. Podcasts are a spectacular way to showcase your personality. The human voice can do wonders.
  • Pinterest- Today’s society loves Pinterest. Most people like the visual to content aspect of it. This is a great site to show off your best images. Also, when they click on the image, it brings them to your site where they can read and enjoy your content.
  • Buzzfeed- People love lists now. Maybe it’s because they are fun, personable, short, and to the point. You can sponsor Buzzfeed articles now, which we think is a great way to show off your content in a fun manor. People like reading silly lists and partaking in fun quizzes. You should utilize this and get on that Buzzfeed bandwagon.
  • Instagram- Did you know that Instagram is the new Facebook? Neither did we until recently, but apparently the younger generation has made the switch over to the dark side… and by that we mean the Insta side. Instagram is a great way to showcase your personality as a business. It is a way to show off who you are and what you do.

Now that you are better versed on content marketing platforms, it is time to go out and try it on your own! Get on that social media train.