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It takes more than just one great piece of content. Okay, you know the drill by now. Any sort of digital marketing strategy will get you nowhere fast without content. They go hand in hand with each other and should be treated like little partners in crime (success? You get the picture). So, your content strategy needs to accommodate the development of compelling content on a continuous basis.

With that in mind, it is important that your content starts a conversation with your audience. It is not the final destination; it is the catalyst. The ultimate goal is for your readers to value you as a source of knowledge and eventually convert to customers. You’ll want your content to be read by media editors who will distribute your blogs and such to others for sharing and discussion.

So, here are Shana Starr’s three questions to ask yourself regarding your content. Personally, we think they’re pretty vital to your overall digital marketing techniques.

  1. “Is your content timely?” Consistency and time-sensitivity are both pretty essential when it comes to your content. Think about it this way: if there is a certain time of the year that your advice or content would be more relevant and beneficial, then you’ll want to cater to those times. If you know your industry get’s slammed during the holiday season, work now to backlog your content to distribute later. Less stress during the actual busy season. Also, it’s good to loop your readers into the necessity of your insight now, so that they’re prepared later. You’ll also want to consider staying on top of the game. Don’t report old news. Be ahead of the trends and deliver what your audience wants to hear WHEN they want to hear it. 
  2. “Is what you are offering helpful?” This is probably the MOST important question to be answered. Are you providing your readers with relevant, helpful information? If the answer is no, reconsider your content right now. THIS IS THE WHOLE POINT! Sorry for the shouty caps, but it’s just that necessary. Your posts should provide insight and answer questions people want answered. Cater to your buyer personas. If you’re writing for entrepreneurs, engage them with powerful content about what it takes to start and sustain a business. If you’re writing for authors, craft compelling content about how to get a book published. You get the picture. The idea is to create a dialogue. Use your posts to start conversations revolving the important questions. You want those likes, shares, and comments. 
  3. “Did you consider editorial guidelines and content that would appeal to an editor?” This one often gets swept under the rug and/or forgotten. Most times, content writers fail to see that an editor needs to take an interest in your work in order be picked up by the media. If the content is far too personal or too focused on inside info, an editor won’t want to distribute it. When you write for a wider audience (still in the frame of your personas), you’re setting yourself up for success. If an editor picks it up and shares it with their audience, you’ll more likely get a positive media response. The idea is to matter to both your targeted audience AND an editor. It can be a tricky balance, but it’s definitely possible.