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V10.5: Blogging Best Practices

V10.5: Blogging Best Practices

Am I talking to myself? No, seriously, does anyone even read these blogs? Is blogging worth my time? These are some questions every blogger has internalized at least once as they type furiously on the computer. In this new technological age, we live our lives entirely online, from our personal lives to our work personas, thus making blogs a great way to express information in a fun and interesting manner.

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V10.3: How To Prioritize Successfully

V10.3: How To Prioritize Successfully

Last week we discussed the definition of success in 2021 and how to achieve that. And now we should talk about how to prioritize in order to make time for the critical projects. We are also big proponents of working with integrity and consciousness. Combining these can go a long way in discovering our own purpose and drive.

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V10.2: Defining Marketing Success in 2021

V10.2: Defining Marketing Success in 2021

Successful people do not give up when something doesn’t work out the way they wanted it to. And while 2020 certainly brought its challenges, 2021 will bring what you make of it.  Sometimes– more often than not– we are going to fail again… and again… and again. As cliché as it sounds, you have to keep working at it. In a previous blog, we talked about how marketing is a process and not a one-time deal. Down that line, we will hit a few bumps in the road and that is totally okay. It doesn’t count as failure unless you let it defeat you.

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